Larry the Porsche Guy

So you bought or leased the Porsche of your dreams. Far out. Congratulations are in order.
And now an inexplicable growing sense of . . . something . . . deep inside you . . . is bubbling to the surface . . . something what many of us, for lack of a better, more definable description, just settle on calling . . . “The Porsche Mystique.”
But it’s so much more that just that, isn’t it?
As that something keeps bubbling up further, you’re beginning to feel like sharing this euphoria with someone — perhaps even hanging out with other like-minded kindred spirits who love Porsches just as much as — if not more than — you do. And, just maybe, you’d also like to turbocharge that euphoria, say, by racing your Porsche — but safely, and legally, of course.
The perfect solution? Joining one of the Porsche clubs available in your area.
Or, you’re looking to buy a Porsche, and you’d like to pick other peoples’ brains who know the ropes about the particular Porsche you have in mind. But you don’t know anyone in your circle of friends, relatives and acquaintances who knows any specifics about Porsches.
Joining one of the Porsche clubs in your area will go a long way toward this goal, too.
Well, you’ve come to the right place. What follows below are Porsche clubs that you can join. Here are our latest listings of many of the Porsche clubs out there. Study the presentations of their worthy missions, their fun activities and their accommodating member services, in each club’s own copyrighted words.*

Porsche Clubs
Porsche Club of America
The Porsche Club of America celebrates the finer things in life. We desire the comfort of good friends and good conversation, and we praise to a fault the world’s finest automobile. Since its founding in 1955, our close-knit community of Porsche owners has grown to 144 regions throughout the United States and Canada. If you own a Porsche, join now!
But the Porsche experience reaches across the cars and the years to people, binding together the family whose name the cars bear, the men and women who design and build them, and those across the world who drive and cherish them.
If you’re not yet a Porsche owner and are actively looking for a Porsche to buy, consider our PCA Test Drive program. The PCA Test Drive program provides you with a six-month subscription to Porsche Panorama, the club’s national monthly magazine, and a temporary account to log on to our website. Crucially, the temporary website account gives you online access to hundreds of Porsches for sale by PCA members in The Mart, which is also featured in every issue of Panorama.
Listed below are some of PCA’s Club Events and Activities; click on any one to explore each in greater depth:
- Join PCA Now / Membership
- Find a Region in Your Neck of the Woods to Join
- Calendar of Events
- Porsche Parade
- PCA Escape
- Autocross
- Driver Education
- Club Racing & Racing Schedule
- Concours
- Rally
- Treffen
- Porscheplatz
Porsche Club of America homepage
*Copyright © 2015-2018 Porsche Club of America Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Porsche Owners Club
Who we are – What we’re about!
The Porsche Owners Club isn’t just about a passion for Porsche cars — no — it’s also about a uniquely diverse group of people joined by a common bond. Come on in and see who we are and what we do…
The Porsche Owners Club has programs to take you as far as you want to go with your car! We offer the tracks, the instructors and the experience to show you how to get more from yourself and your Porsche. You’ll be on a dedicated race track — no dogs, cats or unpredictable situations. You’ll have an experienced Porsche driver as your personal instructor helping you develop your skills at YOUR pace. In one weekend, you’ll grow to appreciate the remarkable handling ability of your car — and you’ll control it as never before.
The Porsche Owners Club offers three levels of club participation:
- The POC Performance Driving Series is our entry-level series where you can compete for fastest lap times. No banging and bumping, just you and your car against the clock. No cone courses here! We offer continuous lapping under the guidance of experienced, safety-conscious event managers.
- The POC Time Trial Series is the next step. Visit tracks all over California and beyond. Take your skills to an even higher level.
- The POC Cup Racing Series is wheel-to-wheel racing on these same “big” tracks. Compete against drivers with similar skills and equipment.
356 Registry
1974-2014: 40 years and going strong!
Porsche 356 Registry is a non-profit international group of owners and enthusiasts which, since 1974, has fostered the preservation and perpetuation of the Porsche 356 series automobile. Porsche 356 Registry, along with dozens of affiliated local and regional groups in the US and around the world, encourages education, research, preservation and foremost, enjoyment of the first series of Porsche automobiles.
Strength in Numbers
Membership in Porsche 356 Registry provides the 356 enthusiast with access to a network of some 7,600 members who can offer assistance and encouragement along with regular social and driving events to enhance the ownership experience.
The Best Investment in Your Car
The annual membership fee includes a subscription to our 76-page bi-monthly color magazine, Porsche 356 Registry, with interesting articles on 356 history, maintenance, personalities, collectibles, current activities and more. Advertisers in Porsche 356 Registry magazine provide a wide spectrum of parts, services and products specifically related to the 356 Porsche. It is the single largest source of suppliers available to the enthusiast.
Old Cars, New Media
Our web site and on-line forum give 356 fans a place to learn about the cars, ask questions and get answers, access technical data, and buy and sell cars and parts. Our “For Sale / Wanted” categories represent the largest and most active marketplace for 356 cars and parts in the world.
The mission of Porsche 356 Registry is the perpetuation of the vintage (1948-1965) 356 series Porsche through Porsche 356 Registry magazine, internet and events for the exchange of ideas, experiences and information, enabling all to share the 356 experiences of one another. 356 Registry, Inc. is a factory sanctioned, non-profit, educational corporation, chartered under the statutes of the State of Ohio.
*Copyright © 2008-2018 356 Registry Inc. All Rights Reserved.
356 Club of Southern California
The 356 Club is the largest regional 356 club in the world — with approximately 1,000 members. While we are Southern California based, the club has attracted members from throughout the US, Canada and countries around the world. Many of our members have joined because of its excellent coverage of Porsche 356 events through its magazine and website. If you are a member, thank you. If you are not a member, please consider becoming one — the magazine alone is worth the cost of membership!
The club’s primary focus is driving and enjoying our cars. We communicate that passion through our magazine and this website. Quarterly, the club publishes its renown magazine. Each edition has articles of interest to the Faithful…
- Keeping all of our members informed of upcoming activities and recount recent events;
- Sharing information and interesting stories on the history of the 356 automobile and the people who made it an icon;
- Restoration, repair and preparation tips; and members sharing what the funny little car has meant in their lives.
Each year, the club sponsors many activities for members and friends. Interested in driving events, Touring, Concours, Racing, Restoration, or just plain socializing? We offer it all. The activities are kept up to date in the calendar section of both the magazine and this website, so check often. Also check out the Recent Events section of this site for photos of members and their cars at all recent events.
356 Club of Southern California homepage
*Copyright © 2015-2018 – 356 Club of Southern California. All Rights Reserved.
More Porsche Clubs
912 Registry
The 912 Registry is a non-profit incorporated car club of Porsche® 912 enthusiasts, dedicated to the preservation and documentation of this vintage sports car. The 912 Registry strives to promote the worldwide enjoyment and use of the 912, by all past, present, and future owners, through its publications, web site, technical assistance, driving, competition, and social events.
Inclusive and crossing all demographic groups, we welcome everyone with an interest in 912s, from original owners to brand new owners, racers to weekend drivers, from those who once owned a 912 to those who who are looking for one, from the first 912 to the last 912E, concours to project cars. We have a Board of Directors, over 750 paid members have joined, and over 4000 owners of 912 and 912Es worldwide have registered.
*Copyright © 1997-2018 912 Registry. All Rights Reserved.
914 Owners Association
The roots of the 914 Owners Association go back to 1978 when Larry Morris and a group of Porsche 914-6 enthusiasts got together to form the Porsche 914-6 Club USA in Southern California. A few years later, in 1981, the 914 Owners Association was formed in Belton, Missouri. In the mid-1980s, the two groups realized that they had common goals, mutual members, and the potential to be the world’s largest Porsche 914 organization if they joined forces.
A common goal of both groups had always been to inform their members of the latest trends in the 914 market and also to share a wealth of 914 knowledge — the larger the group, the larger the collective knowledge base. Everyone benefited. Information about the 914 has been shared through the publication Mid-Engined Views. All members receive quarterly copies packed with technical and historical information about the 914 and 914-6. Mid-Engined Views has evolved from a paper and ink publication into a full-color digital publication that can be sent to members of the 914 Owners Association via the internet.
For those who like to get together with other 914ers, annual 914 Reunions have drawn members from across North America, Australia, and Europe. The three-day annual events held throughout the United States have included tech sessions, car shows, banquets, rallies, and ample time for socializing and sharing 914 wisdom and adventures. Members appreciate the low-key approach and return year after year to meet with Porsche Friends in unique locations around the country.
*Copyright © 1992-2018 914 Owners Association. All Rights Reserved.
914 Owners Association homepage
Early 911S Registry
The Early 911S…
The 911 has been in production since the mid-1960s. After reviewing all the magnificent Porsches produced during this 35-year run, we have singled out one model as the purest expression of the 911 concept the Early 911S. Made during a brief seven-year period (1967 through 1973), the early 911S is a no-compromise factory “hot rod.” It is easily capable of breathtaking performance in both acceleration and handling, and it screams like a banshee at high revs — a sound unlike any other Porsche.
The Early 911 S Registry is an association of enthusiasts who pay homage to this remarkable machine. We attempt to fulfill two main functions: First, our quarterly newsletter (“The Esses”) is an open forum designed to promote communication among members. It contains technical articles, editorials, questions and answers, columns by our Board of Advisors, personal “S” stories from our members and lots of other information.
Second, the Early 911S Registry also compiles a list of as many of the early S’s as possible, including serial numbers, original equipment, owners, modifications, etc. This data can be used by members to verify the chain of ownership through the years and provides an accurate record of what has and hasn’t been done to the cars.
You do not need to own an early 911S to join! We would love to add your name to the list of fans of the car we like to think of as . . . . . “the essence of Porsche, ” the Early 911S!
Early 911S Registry website homepage
Early 911S Registry forums homepage
*Copyright © 2002-2018, Early 911S Registry. All Rights Reserved.
The Porsche 924 Owners Club (United Kingdom)
Membership in the Porsche 924 Owners Club is very healthy for a one model club and shows good growth as we spread the word that this is probably the most practical of classics. Last year, Practical Classics magazine added one to its pages, owned by Assistant Editor Keith Moody and sourced by our own club secretary Ian Pattie.
Being a club member brings far more benefits than just events; for a start there’s the first class, full-colour, club magazine, ‘TwoFour’, which has been ‘club magazine of the month’ in Classic Car Weekly twice and also received an honourable mention in the Classic & Sports Car awards! The 924 Owners Club also offers unrivalled technical support with expertise from members and owners who’ve experienced and resolved just about every mechanical and electrical challenge owning a 924 could present.
We also boast a wealth of friendly knowledge on how to maintain and develop these cars to ensure modern-day usability on both road and track. Haynes manuals are great but no substitute for the vibrant, responsive 924OC forum and the incredible depth of knowledge and experience to be found there. We organise ‘group buys’ of hard-to-find or NLA spares, have a great social scene and as an added extra there are discounts on insurance and parts.
The emphasis of the club is to help keep 924s on the road where they belong, at the same time having fun and enjoying a great social scene. Everyone is welcome, 924 owner or not — in fact a number of our members own Porsche 944s, 911s and other non-Porsche classic cars.
Join today to gain access to the greatest car club with the most friendly members!
The Porsche 924 Owners Club homepage
*Copyright © 2009-2018 The Porsche 924 Owners Club. All Rights Reserved.
*[ is not responsible for the content nor for the accuracy of each Club’s narrative, for which each Club bears sole liability for its own copyrighted material, respectively. – Ed.]